Early Years and Pre-Prep

Kindergarten to Year 2

We are very much looking forward to welcoming Years 1 & 2 to our school community from September 2024, and Nursery and Reception the following year. Please visit Admissions to find out more about how to register your child for a place.

Our ethos at Haileybury Malta is that the best early learning should be child initiated, and that when given the opportunities to explore the world in a safe and nurturing environment children are most able to fulfil their potential.

Our ethos is very much embedded in the Early Years Curriculum, in which children engage in experiences that will support their unique age and stage of development. We firmly believe that children should feel secure and valued which, in turn, allows them to develop and explore their own strengths. By providing pupils with opportunities that develop their creativity, imagination and curiosity, we also encourage pupils to try new things, to take risks, and to develop their problem-solving skills.


All children in the Pre-Prep will benefit from a fully-qualified class teacher supported by a team of Teaching Assistants. In Years 1 and 2 some subjects, such as music and sport, will be supported by specialist subject teachers.